Thursday, November 14, 2013

Last run before the race!

Yesterday was my last pre-race run and I ran 3.5 miles. I included more hills and slopes in my run as to mimic the conditions of what I shall face...though the unknown is always more scary in our head.

While techincally, still recovering from bronchitis, I still require my inhaler more than once a day and definitely before I run. I am also running a full minute slower than my typical pace but am chalking it up to still getting my strength back. Yes, I run and cough a lot, and feel my lungs are not what they were PRE-sicknes but I am on the mend and for that I am grateful...and despite my Dr's best advice, I am taking on this run as scheduled..but with a new approach.

I no longer care about my time. As many have said- any finish time at this point is a personal record! I think it is amazing I am even doing this at all and am excited to get the FIRST ONE in my back pocket...the next one can be about timing...Can you believe I am saying anything about a NEXT one? CRAZY!

My original goal was prepping for the Austin Half marathon in Feb 2014...and instead I progressed so far in a few months that I was able to move the goal date up. Clearly I am more capable than I gave myself credit for originally...but I also got more with this endeavor, like a new enthusiasm for running, for my health, and for life...I committed to a schedule, to a run group, to learning, and to failing and learning...or perhaps that should read to falling and learning, as I did both.

I never imagined me capable physically before for such an event, always thinking I was too challenged with asthma. Always, per my Doctor's words, that these were the lungs I was given, and these knee and hip issues were genetic misfortunes but the cards I am dealt none the less. Big *sigh* here if you believe in others telling you what you cannot do....but as for me- not so much!

Now, I know I can do it- though given the current circumstances I know it will also not be an easy race...but anything worthwhile is not easy...and I think if I am patient with myself, I can complete the 13.1 miles and celebrate this challenge as conquored. I am not running again this week til my Saturday run so all I have time to do is dream about it! I am so very excited to share the outcome of this journey soon..but make no mistake, it is certainly NOT my last race.

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