Thursday, October 31, 2013

Being tested: Road kill and illness

Today's run was almost as bad as it gets...minus getting hit by a car or something.

It was my last day in October to run a 5k...Since there was no time to run an actual race. My friend and I decide to go to the US Road website. You can run your own virtual 5k, 10k or half - register for free and post your results. You can see how you stack up against other runners across the country. Not a traditional way to run a race but worked with my schedule this month. You can actually pay & receive a medal but really- who wants a medal for racing alone? But if you are all about the swag, then I suppose this is another way to get some.

This month my schedule was filled- I had traveled, had lots of early am meetings, longer mileage and I also got sick. Last week, a fever, asthma and general malaise had me home in bed for 2 days only to be left this week with a lingering cough and continuing asthma. I was so determined to hit my 12 miler last weekend, that I ran while not completely in the pink again. I felt pretty good after that run so I assumed I was on an upswing and getting out of the illness.

But while I feel better, I have been very tired and the cough has gotten worse..I laid off running this week til this morning. I knew this run would not only be my only chance to run the virtual 5k for my yearly goal of a race-a-month but also determine if I am well enough to run in 2 weeks for Malibu Half.

This run was HORRIBLE!!!!

It was dark when I set out- but I took my asthma meds and was feeling good. I set off, running through my mind how I can do the course with little interruption or need to hit a stop light, wait for cars, or hit any high hills. I wanted a clean run but right out of the gate- my lungs were on fire and I was hacking like a 20 year smoker. I knew this run was not going to be a personal best but I kept going.About a mile running in the dark, I had to get back on the sidewalk, and as I was running up an incline, my toe caught an electrical metal, square man-hole and I went down- fast and hard! Perfect faceplant! I was so caught off guard I had little time to try to stop myself. Thankfully I was wearing thick supports on both knees and had on a long sleeve shirt (which was so long it went down past my hands, to keep me warm.) All this protected my body from major damage - My knees were still skinned and sore but not to the extent they could have been and my hands were protected by the shirt so I only had the soreness from the fall on my body instead of a road rash and blood.

I picked myself up and started to run again but I was hurting and hit the timer pause button while I got myself together to see if I could even continue. Being stubborn, I hit the run button again and set out to finish. Slower but hoping I might be able to pull it off at the end- nearing mile 2, a shoelace comes undone and I must stop once again to deal- off goes the timer. But mentally I am thinking.."Seriously??? Are you kidding me?? This run has already mentally screwed me over!"  BUT I sucked it up and tied it, hoping no more obstacles were in my future and continued on- coughing and hacking. I was feeling like I had just started running for the first time in my life after giving up cigarettes..Mental games continued: "How do I rebound from this? How do I push on when my lungs are just not on the same page??? How will I run in less than 2 weeks in Malibu when I still am on the mend?"   I stopped and walked after mile 2 for a little bit but did not stop the clock..I just needed to get home and figure out my game plan for my half run. I knew I needed to give myself some time to's all I can do now.

I completed the run of 3 miles in 31:44 - not horrible but much longer than my best run. After the mileage, I walked home the rest of the way and felt the soreness in my knees start...All I could do was admit to myself that Malibu in not in my near future and I would need to lose that registration money, postopone the half run another week and just do the Palos Verdes Half Marathon..a harder course but one that buys me another week of lung recovery and time to get my mental game back.

Fingers crossed I do not have to lose out on PV too and I am completely recovered when the race gets here. I can't help but feel disappointed and worried, this illness makes me lose some time in what I have worked so hard for this year on race day.

Now off to Walgreens for some Mucinex!  (insert deep sigh here)

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